Tooth implant whitening

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Tooth implant whitening

Tooth implant whitening plays a significant role in maintaining dental hygiene. Many people question whether the whitening is needed for the implant? The answer is positive and the implant also need whitening. In order to receive more comprehensive information, go on with Dr. Mohamed Atefat, implant specialist in Isfahan, provider of dental services to patients in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Emirates, and Turkey.

Importance of implant whitening

The most important part of dental implant whitening is the oral health care. If a person does not care about his teeth after performing the implant, plaques develop around the implant prosthesis and gum tissue. This causes infectious bacteria to accumulate around the implant and by penetrating the jawbone, causing the implant to disintegrate and destroy bone and gum tissue, so the dental implant fails and does not work. Tooth implant whitening prevents the tooth implant prosthesis from bacteria and infections accumulation.

How to whitening the tooth implant

Tooth implant whitening is differ from normal tooth whitening. The pen that is used for the implant whitening is made of rigid specialized titanium, while the usual pens for whitening are made of stainless steel. The implant whitening pen is different because it prevents the reaction of the pen with the implant and the particles remaining on the implant.

The kind of whitening pen for implant has different material. The usual pens for whitening are made of stainless steel, while the pens for the implant whitening are made of titanium. The implant whitening pen is different because it prevents the reaction of the pen with the implant and the particles remaining on the implant. In this type of dental implant pens, there is no risk for ion exchange, implant surface alteration, and deposition of acetyl particles at the implant surface because of the same material of whitening pen and the implant.

Dental Office of Dr. Mohammad Atefat, Provider of Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry, Dental Implantation, Composite and Ceramic Veneers in the Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Turkey

In order to extend the durability of the implant, you must go to the implant expert to perform periodic check-ups, and in case of the presence of a plaque or biological plaque, you will be informed and by doing the implant whitening and prevent future acute problems.

Necessity of tooth whitening

The following are some of the general reasons why teeth should be whitened:

* Prevention of disease: bacteria in the mouth that cause gum periodontal infections can be transmitted to other parts of the body through blood flow. Studies have shown that lung infections and heart disease are directly related to periodontal bacteria. Whitening and the elimination of bacteria inhibit the progression of periodontal disease and transmits the bacteria to other parts of the body.

* Protection of teeth: When the plaque penetrate deeper than 3 mm into the gum, it increases the risk of gum periodontal disease. Chronic inflammation has been developed in the area, leading to the loss of gum and bone tissue and eventually teeth. Periodontal disease is one of the main causes of loss of teeth in the world.

  • Beauty effects and results: whitening and cleaning the gums and stains on the teeth will have a great impact on the beauty of the smile and enhancing one’s confidence.

Eliminate bad breath: One of the most common symptoms of periodontal disease is bad breath when speaking and breathing. Food particles and bacteria cause bad odor in the oral cavity, which is eliminated by cleaning methods such as daily brushing and whitening by the dentist.

Tooth implant is one of the ways of dental implantation, which is required by increasing the age and loss of permanent teeth. In Isfahan, we provide health tourism services to Persian Gulf patients including Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, qualify services in this area with the best quality at the Dental Center of Mohammad Atefat in Isfahan.

Enjoy the experience of a dental treatment and excursion in Isfahan with us.

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